No Website? No Excuse!

No Website? No Excuse!

When was the last time you wanted to know more about a business or service? Chances are you went to Google and searched for their website.

One of my pet hates is when I’m searching for a company online and the link takes me directly to a Facebook Page – so frustrating!

This sends out the wrong message because:

a) it looks unprofessional
b) why would a business rely on Mr Zuckerberg to give them a web presence?

If you have a Domain Name you can easily set up a Coming Soon / Landing Page!

You can use your Coming Soon Page as a placeholder webpage to announce that your new website or webpage is under construction and will be launched soon.

This serves several purposes:

  1. It Generates Interest and Excitement: It creates anticipation and buzz about your upcoming website or service.
  2. You Can Collect Leads: By including a sign-up form to collect email addresses or other contact information from visitors who want to be notified when your website is live.
  3. SEO Benefits: It allows search engines to start indexing your domain, which can be beneficial for search engine optimization (SEO) when the full site goes live.
  4. Brand Awareness: It helps establish an early online presence and gives visitors a glimpse of your brand’s identity.
  5. Provides Basic Information: You can offer essential information such as the business name, logo, a brief description of what’s coming, and social media links.Creating an effective Coming Soon page involves striking a balance between providing enough information to generate interest and maintaining an element of mystery to keep visitors intrigued.

Here’s a few examples of our recent Coming Soon web pages to inspire you…


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